


Displaying 1341 - 1360 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9923 Baramki, D. C. 1938
Baramki, D. C., "Byzantine Remains in Palestine. II. A small monastery and chapel outside the ’Third Wall’", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 6 (1938): 56-58; Pls. 9-10.
Journal article
9924 Baramki, D. C. 1972
Baramki, D. C., "A Byzantine Church at Mahatt el Urdi, Beit Jibrin, 1941-42", Liber Annuus 22 (1972): 130-152; 18 Figs.
Journal article
9925 Baramki, D. C., Avi-Yonah, M. 1934
Baramki, D. C. and Avi-Yonah, M., "An Early Christian Church at Khirbat ‘Asida", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 3 (1934): 17-19 ; Pls. 9-12.
Journal article
9926 Barash, I. 2012
Barash, I., "The Mosaic from the building (church?) on the eastern fringes of Tel Shiqmona", ‘Atiqot 72 (2012): 143-145 (in Hebrew; English summery 97*).
Journal article
9927 Barash, I. 2012
Barash, I., "Marble items from the Late Byzantine buildings along the eastern fringes of Tel Shiqmona", ‘Atiqot 72 (2012): 135-142 (in Hebrew; English summery 96*).
Journal article
9928 Barbé, H., Zelinger, Y. 2005
Barbé, H. and Zelinger, Y., "Jerusalem, Nahal Qidron", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 117 (2005).
Journal article
9929 Barison, P. 1938
Barison, P., "Ricerche sui Monasteri dell'Egitto Bizantino ed Arabo Secondo i Documenti dei Papiri Greci", Aegyptus 18 (1938): 29-148.
Journal article
9930 Barnard, L. W. 1974
Barnard, L. W., "The Date of S. Athanasius' Vita Antonii", Vigiliae Christianae 28, no. 3 (1974): 169-175.
Journal article
9931 Barrois, A. 1930
Barrois, A., "Une chapelle funeraire au couvent de Saint Euthyme", Revue Biblique 39, no. 2 (1930): 272-275.
Journal article
9932 Baruch, E. 2001
Baruch, E., "Ein el-Jadida", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 113 (2001): 140-141 (in Hebrew, English summary 94*-95*).
Journal article
9933 Callaway, J. A. 1969
Callaway, J. A., "Kh. Haiyan: 'Ai (in: Notes and News; p. 234-256)", Israel Exploration Journal 19, no. 4 (1969): 239.
Journal article
9934 Batz, S. 2002
Batz, S., "The Church of St. Theodore at Khirbet Beit Sila", Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology 1 (2002): 39-54.
Journal article
9935 Batz, S. 2002
Batz, S., "Hebron, Deir el-Arba’in", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 114 (2002): 144 (Hebrew, English summary 117*).
Journal article
9936 Batz, S. 2004
Batz, S., "The Church of St. Theodore at Ḥ. Beit Sila", Qadmoniot 37, no. 128 (2004): 113-119 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
9937 Baumgarten, Y. 1982
Baumgarten, Y., "Mitzpe Shivta", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 70-71 (1982): 46-47 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
9938 Baumstark, A. 1920
Baumstark, A., "Wandmalereien und Tafelbilder im Kloster Mar Saba", Oriens Christianus Ser. 2: 9 (1920): 123-129.
Journal article
9939 Baynes, N. H. 1947
Baynes, N. H., "The Pratum Spirituale", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 13 (1947): 404-414.
Journal article
9940 Baynes, N. H. 1954
Baynes, N. H., "St. Antony and the Demons", Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 40 (1954): 7-10.
Journal article
9941 Ben-Pechat, M. 1989
Ben-Pechat, M., "The Paleochristian Baptismal Fonts in the Holy Land: Formal and Functional Study", Liber Annuus 39 (1989): 165-188; Pls. 27-34.[PDF File]
Journal article
9942 Ben-Arieh, S., Netzer, E. 1974
Ben-Arieh, S. and Netzer, E., "Excavations Along the "Third Wall of Jerusalem"", Israel Exploration Journal 24, no. 2 (1974): 97-106.
Journal article
