


Displaying 1401 - 1420 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9985 Broshi, M. 1973
Broshi, M., "Excavations at the house of Caiaphas on Mount Zion", Christian News from Israel 23, no. 3 (11) (1973): 168-170.
Journal article
9986 Broshi, M., Barkay, G. 1985
Broshi, M. and Barkay, G., "Excavations in the Chapel of St. Vartan in the Holy Sepulchre", Israel Exploration Journal 35, no. 2-3 (1985): 108-128.
Journal article
9987 Brown, P. 1971
Brown, P., "The Rise and the Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity", Journal of Roman Studies 61 (1971): 80-101.
Journal article
9988 Brown, P. 1983
Brown, P., "The Saint as Exemplar in Late Antiquity", Representations 1, no. 2 (1983): 1-25.
Journal article
9989 Bulst-Thiele, M. L. 1979
Bulst-Thiele, M. L., "Die Mosaiken der “Auferstehungskirche” in Jerusalem und die Bauten der “Franken” im 12. Jahrhundert", Frühmittelalterliche Studien 13 (1979): 442-471.
Journal article
9990 Bundy, D. 1991
Bundy, D., "Jacob of Nisbis as a Model for the Episcopacy", Le Muséon 104 (1991): 235-249.
Journal article
9991 Burdajewicz, M., Młynarczyk, J. 2006
Burdajewicz, M. and Młynarczyk, J., "Elements of the Liturgical Furniture in an 8th-Century Church (NWC) in Hippos (Sussita), Israel", Series Byzantina 4 (2006): 9 – 38.
Journal article
9992 Burrows, M. 1932
Burrows, M., "Zippori: Saffuriya (in: Palestinian and Syrian Archaeology in 1931; p.20-32)", Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 45 (1932): 21f.
Journal article
9993 Burtin, R. 1914
Burtin, R., "Un texte d’Eutychius relatif à l’Éléona", Revue Biblique 23 (11), no. 3 (1914): 401-423.
Journal article
9994 Cadell, H., Remondon, R. 1967
Cadell, H. and Remondon, R., "Sens et emplois de τὸ ὄρος ‎ dans les documents papyrologiques", Revue des Études Grecques 80 (1967): 343-349‎.
Journal article
9995 Callaway, J. A., Harvey, D., Schoonover, K., Ward, J. M., Vine, K., Livingston, G. H. 1969
Callaway, J. A., Harvey, D., Schoonover, K., Ward, J. M., Vine, K. and Livingston, G. H., "Kh. Khudriya ('Ai) (in: The 1966 'Ai (Et-Tell) Excavations; p.2-16)", Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 196 (1969): 4.
Journal article
9996 Callaway, J. A., Livingston, G. H. 1970
Callaway, J. A. and Livingston, G. H., "Kh. Khudriya ('Ai) (in: The 1968-1969 'Ai (et-Tell) Excavations; p.7-31)", Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 198 (1970): 10.
Journal article
9997 Caner, D. 2006
Caner, D., "Towards a Miraculous Economy: Christian Gifts and Material 'Blessings' in Late Antiquity", Journal of Early Christian Studies 14, no. 3 (2006): 329-377.
Journal article
9998 Capelle, D. B. 1943
Capelle, D. B., "La Fete de la Vierge a Jerusalem au Ve siecle", Le Muséon 56 (1943): 1-33.
Journal article
9999 Chabot, J. B. 1895
Chabot, J. B., "Pierre l'Iberien, eveque monophysite de Mayuma [Gaza] a la fin du V e siecle", Revue de L'Orient Latin 3 (1895): 367-393.
Journal article
10000 Chad, E. F. 2009
Chad, E. F., "The Siting of Churches and Mosques as an Indicator of Christian–Muslim Relations", Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 20 (2009): 451-476.
Journal article
10001 Chadwick, H. 1974
Chadwick, H., "John Moschus and His Friend Sophronius the Sophist", The Journal of Theological Studies 25, no. 1 (1974): 41-74.
Journal article
10002 Chapman, D. W. 2009
Chapman, D. W., "Continuity and Variation in Byzantine Church Architecture at Abila: Evidence from the 2006 Excavation", Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan X (2009): 525 – 533.
Journal article
10003 Chen, D. 1979
Chen, D., "A Note Pertaining to the Design of the Rotunda Anastasis in Jerusalem", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-) 95, no. 2 (1979): 178-181.
Journal article
10004 Chen, D. 1979
Chen, D., "The Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem: The Design of Justinian’s Plan", Liber Annuus 29 (1979): 270-275.
Journal article
