


Displaying 1361 - 1380 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9943 Ben-Shalom, S. 1983
Ben-Shalom, S., "Secret Tunnels in Horvat Bureikut", Nikrot Zurim 8 (1983): 26-35 (Hebrew).
Journal article
9944 Ben-Shalom, S. 1986
Ben-Shalom, S., "The Russian Monastery Cave", Nikrot Zurim 13 (1986): 138-148 (Hebrew).
Journal article
9945 Ben-Tor, A., Rosenthal, R. 1978
Ben-Tor, A. and Rosenthal, R., "Yoqne'am: Tell Keimun (in: The First Season of Excavations at Tel Yoqne'am, 1977: Preliminary Report; p.57-82)", Israel Exploration Journal 28, no. 1-2 (1978): 65-67.
Journal article
9946 Benzinger, I. 1902
Benzinger, I., "Die Ruinen von 'Amwās", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 25 (1902): 195-203.
Journal article
9947 Besonen, J. 2001
Besonen, J., "The Yattir Mosaic, A Visual Journey to Christ", Biblical Archaeology Review 27, no. 4 (2001): 37-43.
Journal article
9948 Bieberstein, K. 1987
Bieberstein, K., "St. Julian oder St. Johannes Evangelista? Zur historischen Identifizierung einer neuentdeckten Kreuzfahrerkirche in der Altstadt Jerusalems", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-) 103 (1987): 178-184.
Journal article
9949 Bieberstein, K., Bieberstein, S. 1988
Bieberstein, K. and Bieberstein, S., "St. Thomas Alemannorum oder St. Peter ad vincula? Zur historischen Identifizierung einer wiederentdeckten Kreuzfahrerkirche in der Altstadt Jerusalems", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-) 104 (1988): 152-161.
Journal article
9950 Bikai, P. M. 1996
Bikai, P. M., "The Ridge Church at Petra", Annual of the Department of antiquities of Jordan 40 (1996): 481 – 486.
Journal article
9951 Bikai, P. M. 1996
Bikai, P. M., "Petra Church Project, Petra Papyri", Annual of the Department of antiquities of Jordan 40 (1996): 487 – 489.
Journal article
9952 Biran, A. 1959
Biran, A., "Archaeological activities in Israel, 1958-1959", Christian News from Israel 10, no. 1-2 (1959): 21-32.
Journal article
9953 Biran, A. 1959
Biran, A., "Kefar Truman: Kh. Er-Ras: Kh. 'Irma (in: Archaeological activities in Israel, 1958-1959; p. 21-32)", Christian News from Israel 10, no. 1-2 (1959): 32.
Journal article
9954 Biran, A. 1959
Biran, A., "Roglit: Kh. Jurfa (in: Archaeological activities in Israel, 1958-1959; p. 21-32)", Christian News from Israel 10, no. 1-2 (1959): 32.
Journal article
9955 Biran, A. 1959
Biran, A., "Ruhama (in: Archaeological activities in Israel, 1958-1959; p. 21-32)", Christian News from Israel 10, no. 1-2 (1959): 31.
Journal article
9956 Biran, A. 1963
Biran, A., "Tell Basul (in: Archaeological activities 1960-1961: part II; p.11-16)", Christian News from Israel 14, no. 2 (1963): 11.
Journal article
9957 Birger, R., Hirschfeld, Y. 1988
Birger, R. and Hirschfeld, Y., "Khan el-Ahmar", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 82 (1988): 34 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
9958 Birger, R., Hirschfeld, Y. 1988/89
Birger, R. and Hirschfeld, Y., "Khan el-Ahmar- 1987", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 7-8 (1988/89): 110.
Journal article
9959 Birnbaum, R., Ovadiah, A. 1990
Birnbaum, R. and Ovadiah, A., "A Greek Inscription from the Early Byzantine Church at Apollonia", Israel Exploration Journal 40, no. 2-3 (1990): 182-191.
Journal article
9960 Bitton-Ashkelony, B. 1999
Bitton-Ashkelony, B., "The Pilgrimage of Peter the Iberian", Cathedra 91 (1999): 97-112 (Hebrew).
Journal article
9963 Blake, I. 1969
Blake, I., "El Kuseir: A Hermitage in the Wilderness of Judaea", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 101, no. 2 (1969): 87-93.
Journal article
9964 Blake, R. P. 1950
Blake, R. P., "Deux Lacunes Comblees dans la Passio XX Monachorum Sabaitarum", Analecta Bollandiana 68 (1950): 27-43.
Journal article
