


Displaying 1381 - 1400 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9965 Blake, R. P. 1965
Blake, R. P., "La Litterature Grecque in Palestine au VIIIe siecle", Le Muséon 78 (1965): 367-380.
Journal article
9966 Blau, J. 1962
Blau, J., "Uber Einige Christlich-Arabische Manuscripte aus dem 9. und. 10. Jahrhudert", Le Muséon 75 (1962): 101-108.
Journal article
9967 Bliss, F. J. 1894
Bliss, F. J., "The Recent Pilgrimage to Jerusalem; The Church at Jacob's Well; A Lebanon Cliff Castle; Marble Fragment from Jebail", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 26, no. 2 (1894): 101-120.
Journal article
9968 Bliss, F. J. 1895
Bliss, F. J., "Jerusalem: Mount of Olives (in: Fourth Report on the Excavations at Jerusalem; p.97-108)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 27, no. 2 (1895): 99-105.
Journal article
9969 Bliss, F. J. 1897
Bliss, F. J., "Jerusalem: Kefar Shiloah: Silwan (in: Eleventh Report on the Excavations at Jerusalem; p.11-26)", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 29, no. 1 (1897): 17-26.
Journal article
9970 Blomme, Y., Nodet, E. 1979
Blomme, Y. and Nodet, E., "Deir Mukelik (1979) (in: Chronique Archéologique, p. 437-467)", Revue Biblique 86, no. 3 (1979): 462-464.
Journal article
9971 Boas, A. J. 2005
Boas, A. J., "Jérusalem au temps des croisades", Histoire Medievales 2 (2005): 48-56.
Journal article
9972 Boas, A. J. 2006
Boas, A. J., "L'Arcitecture civile Franque á Césarée, Acre et Jérusalem", Bulletin Monumental 164 (2006): 31-44.
Journal article
9973 Bonde, S., Mains, C. 1988
Bonde, S. and Mains, C., "The Archaeology of monasticism: A Survey of Recent Work in France, 1970-1987", Speculum, A Journal of Medieval Studies 63, no. 4 (1988): 794-825.
Journal article
9974 Borg, A. 1969
Borg, A., "Observations on the Historiated Lintel of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem", Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1969): 25-40.
Journal article
9975 Borsari, S. 1951
Borsari, S., "Le Migrazioni Dall'Oriente in Italia nel ‎vii Secolo", La Parola de Passato 17 (1951): 133-138.
Journal article
9976 Bouwen, F. 2000
Bouwen, F., "General Assembly of the Synod of the Catholic Churches of the Holy Land", Proche-Orient Chrétien 50, no. 1-2 (2000): 297-308.
Journal article
9977 Branham, J. R. 1992
Branham, J. R., "Sacred Space under Erasure in Ancient Synagogues and Early Churches", Art Bulletin 74 (1992): 375-392.
Journal article
9978 Brennan, B. R. 1976
Brennan, B. R., "Dating Athanasius' Vita Antonii", Vigiliae Christianae 30, no. 1 (1976): 52-54.
Journal article
9979 Briggs, M. S. 1918
Briggs, M. S., "The Mosaic Pavement of Shellal, near Gaza", The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 32, no. 182 (1918): 185-189.
Journal article
9980 Brightman, F. E. 1908
Brightman, F. E., "The Historia Mystagogica, and other Greek Commentaries on the Byzantine Liturgy", Journal of the Theological Studies 9, no. 34 (1908): 248-267.
Journal article
9981 Britt, K. C. 2008
Britt, K. C., "Fama et Memoria: Portraits of Female Patrons in Mosaic Pavements of Churches in Byzantine Palestine and Arabia", Medieval Feminist Forum 44 (2008): 119-143.
Journal article
9982 Brock, S. 1973
Brock, S., "An Early Syriac Life of Maximus the Confessor", Analecta Bollandiana 91, no. 3-4 (1973): 299-346.
Journal article
9983 Brock, S. 1984
Brock, S., "Early syrian asceticism", numen XX (1984): 1-19.
Journal article
9984 Brock, S., Goldfus, H., Kofsky, A. 2007
Brock, S., Goldfus, H. and Kofsky, A., "The Syriaic inscriptions at the entrance to Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem", ARAM Periodical 19 (2007): 415-438:  23 figs.
Journal article
