


Displaying 1781 - 1800 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10381 Lagrange, M. J. 1907
Lagrange, M. J., "Le sanctuaire de la lapidation de saint Étienne à Jérusalem", Revue de l’Orient Chrétien 12, no. 4 (1907): 414-428.
Journal article
10382 Lanckner, W. 1967
Lanckner, W., "Zu Quellen und Datierung der Maximosvita (BHG3 1234)", Analecta Bollandiana 85, no. 3-4 (1967): 285-316.
Journal article
10383 Landsberger, F. 1957
Landsberger, F., "The Sacred Direction in Synagogue and Church", Hebrew Union College Annual 28 (1957): 181-203.
Journal article
10384 Lassus, J. 1950
Lassus, J., "Liturgies nestoriennes médiævales et églises syriennes antiques", Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 137 (1950): 236-252.
Journal article
10385 Lawler, A. 2007
Lawler, A., "First churches of the Jesus cult", Archaeology 60, no. 5 (2007): 47-51.
Journal article
10386 Lease, G. 1980
Lease, G., "The Fourth Season of the Nag Hammadi Excavations, 21 December 1979- 15 January 1980", Gottinger Miszellen 41 (1980): 75-85.
Journal article
10387 Lefort, L. T. 1939
Lefort, L. T., "Orientalia", Le Muséon 52 (1939): 379- 407.
Journal article
10388 Lagrange, M. J. 1894
Lagrange, M. J., "Excursion a Sebbé (Masada)", Revue Biblique 3, no. 2 (1894): 263-276.
Journal article
10389 Leibovitch, J. 1954
Leibovitch, J., "The reliquary column of Dor", Christian News from Israel 5, no. 1-2 (1954): 22-23.
Journal article
10390 Leibovitch, J. 1958
Leibovitch, J., "Ajjour (in: Archaeological finds and activities in Israel, 1957-1958 ; p.21-29 : 4 pls. )", Christian News from Israel 9, no. 1-2 (1958): 27.
Journal article
10391 Leroy, D. J. 1954
Leroy, D. J., "La vie quotidienne du Moine studite", Irenikon 27 (1954): 21-50.
Journal article
10392 Leroy, J. 1958
Leroy, J., "La reforme studite", Orientalia Christiana Analecta 153 (1958): 181-214.
Journal article
10393 Lewis, N. 1948
Lewis, N., "New Light on the Negev in Ancient Times", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 80, no. 2 (1948): 102-117.
Journal article
10394 Lewis, T. H. 1891
Lewis, T. H., "Ruins of Church on the Skull Hill, Jerusalem", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 23, no. 3 (1891): 211-218.
Journal article
10395 Lialine, C. 1960
Lialine, C., "Monachisme oriental et monachisme occidental", Irenikon 33 (1960): 435-459.
Journal article
10396 Lieber, S. 1985
Lieber, S., "The Purchase of Land for “Christ Church” by John Nicolayson", Cathedra 38 (1985): 201-203 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10397 Loffreda, S. 1968
Loffreda, S., "The first season of excavations at Tabgha (near Capharnaum) (March 25th - June 20th): Preliminary report", Liber Annuus 18 (1968): 238-243; Fig. 2 at 241 (plan).
Journal article
10398 Loffreda, S. 1970
Loffreda, S., "Sondaggio nella chiesa della Moltiplicazione dei Pani a Tabgha", Liber Annuus 20 (1970): 370-380.
Journal article
10399 Loffreda, S. 1986
Loffreda, S., "La casa della Vergine a Nazaret", Liber Annuus 36 (1986): 211-234.
Journal article
10400 Lombardi, G. 1958-1959
Lombardi, G., "Alcune Questioni di Topografia", Liber Annuus 9 (1958-1959): 272-282.
Journal article
