


Displaying 1861 - 1880 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10463 Milik, J. T. 1960
Milik, J. T., "Identification de monastere a Han Saliba (in: Notes d'épigraphie et de topographie palestiniennes, p.550-591)", Revue Biblique 67, no. 4 (1960): 586-589.
Journal article
10465 Milson, D. 1989
Milson, D., "Byzantine Architects at Work at Herodium, Palaestina Prima", Liber Annuus 39 (1989): 207-211.
Journal article
10466 Milson, D. 2004
Milson, D., "The Stratum IB Building at Hammat Tiberias: Synagogue or Church?", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 136, no. 1 (2004): 45-56.
Journal article
10467 Mimouni, S. C. 1990
Mimouni, S. C., "La synagogue « judéo-chrétienne » de Jérusalem au Mont Sion", Proche-Orient Chrétien 40 (1990): 215-234.
Journal article
10468 Mioni, E. 1951
Mioni, E., "Il Pratum Spirituale di Giovanni Mosco", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 17 (1951): 61-94.
Journal article
10469 Młynarczyk, J., Burdajewicz, M. 2005
Młynarczyk, J. and Burdajewicz, M., "North-West Church in Hippos (Sussita), Israel: Five Years of Archaeological Research (2000-2004)", Eastern Christian Art in its Late Antique and Islamic Contexts 2 (2005): 39-57.
Journal article
10470 Młynarczyk, J. 2005
Młynarczyk, J., "The Pottery from Khirbet el-Jiljil (Second Season)", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society‎ 23 (2005): 139-166.
Journal article
10471 Młynarczyk, J. 2008
Młynarczyk, J., "Architectural and functional/liturgical development of the north-west church in Hippos (Sussita)", Etudes et Travaux 22 (2008): 147-170.[PDF File]
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10472 Mommert, C. 1898
Mommert, C., "Die Dormitio und das deutsche Grundstück auf dem traditionellen Zion", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 21 (1898): 149-183.
Journal article
10473 Montgomery, J. A. 1921-1922
Montgomery, J. A., "A Catacomb Church on the Hill of Evil Counsel", The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 2-3 (1921-1922): 126-128.
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10474 Sebag, D., Nagar, Y. 2007
Sebag, D. and Nagar, Y., "Fouilles dans les Jardins de L'Éléona à Jérusalem", Revue Biblique 114, no. 3 (2007): 427-446.
Journal article
10475 Nagorski, A. 2013
Nagorski, A., "Russian bells of the Church of Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem", Jerusalem and Eretz-israel 8-9 (2013): 27*-40* : 11 figs.
Journal article
10476 Nasrallah, J. 1969
Nasrallah, J., "Un auteur antiochien du XI e siecle: Nicon de la Montagne Noire (vers 1025- debut du XII e siecle)", Proche-Orient Chrétien 19 (1969): 150- 161.
Journal article
10477 Nasrallah, J. 1972
Nasrallah, J., "Couvents de la Syrie du Nord portant le nom de Simeon", Syria 49, no. 1/2 (1972): 127-157.
Journal article
10478 Nau, F. 1907
Nau, F., "Histoire des solitaires egyptiens", Revue de l’Orient chrétien 12 (1907): 43-69 (in Issue 1), 171-189 (in Issue 2), 393-413 (in issue 4).
Journal article
10479 Nedomacki, V. 1980
Nedomacki, V., "The archangel Mihailo and Gavrilo Monastery in Jerudalem- a King milutin Memorial", Zbornik za Likovne Umetnoisi 16 (1980): 69-70.
Journal article
10480 Negev, A. 1974
Negev, A., "The Churches of the Central Negev. An Archaeological Survey", Revue Biblique 81, no. 3 (1974): 400-422; Pls. 16-22.
Journal article
10481 Negev, A. 1976
Negev, A., "Survey and Trial Excavations at Haluza (Elusa), 1973", Israel Exploration Journal 26, no. 2-3 (1976): 89-95.
Journal article
10482 Negev, A. 1981
Negev, A., "Excavations at Elusa, 1980", Qadmoniot 14.3/4, no. 55/56 (1981): 122-182 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10483 Negev, A. 1989
Negev, A., "The Cathedral of Elusa and the New Typology and Chronology of the Byzantine Churches in the Negev", Liber Annuus 39 (1989): 129-142, Pls. 15-29.[PDF File]
Journal article
