


Displaying 1841 - 1860 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10442 Meimaris, Y. E. 1978
Meimaris, Y. E., "The Hermitage of St. John the Chozebite, Deir Wady el-Qilt", Liber Annuus 28 (1978): 171-192.
Journal article
10443 Meinardus, O. 1964-1965
Meinardus, O., "Notes on the Laurae and Monasteries of the Wilderness of Judaea", Liber Annuus 15 (1964-1965): 220-250.
Journal article
10444 Meinardus, O. 1964-1965
Meinardus, O., "Deir Wadi el-Qilt; Monastery of SS. John and George of Choziba; Holy Virgin (in: Notes on the Laurae and Monasteries of the Wilderness of Judaea; p. 220-250)", Liber Annuus 15 (1964-1965): 236.
Journal article
10445 Meinardus, O. 1964-1965
Meinardus, O., "El-'Aleiliyat; Laura of Firmini (in: Notes on the Laurae and Monasteries of the Wilderness of Judaea; p. 220-250)", Liber Annuus 15 (1964-1965): 225.
Journal article
10446 Meinardus, O. 1964-1965
Meinardus, O., "'Ain Fara (Laura) (in: Notes on the Laurae and Monasteries of the Wilderness of Judaea; p. 220-250)", Liber Annuus 15 (1964-1965): 226-228.
Journal article
10447 Meinardus, O. 1964-1965
Meinardus, O., "Deir Wadi El-Qilt: Monastery of SS. John and George of Choziba (in: Notes on the Laurae and Monasteries of the Wilderness of Judaea; p. 220-250)", Liber Annuus 15 (1964-1965): 232-243.
Journal article
10448 Meinardus, O. 1965-1966
Meinardus, O., "The Byzantine Church of St Andrew in Jericho", Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 18 (1965-1966): 181-196.
Journal article
10450 Meinardus, O. 1966
Meinardus, O., "Wall Paintings in the Monastic Churches of Judaea", Oriens Christianus 50 (1966): 46-55.
Journal article
10451 Meinardus, O. 1969
Meinardus, O., "Notes on the Laurae and Monasteries of the Wilderness of Judaea (III)", Liber Annuus 19 (1969): 305-327.
Journal article
10452 Meinardus, O. 1969
Meinardus, O., "Historical Notes on the Laura of Mar Saba", Eastern Churches Review 2, no. 4 (1969): 392-401.
Journal article
10453 Meinardus, O. 1970
Meinardus, O., "A Study of the Relics of Saints of the Greek Orthodox Church", Oriens Christianus 54 (1970): 130-278.
Journal article
10454 Menninga, C. 2004
Menninga, C., "The Unique Church at Abila of the Decapolis", Near Eastern Archaeology 67, no. 1 (2004): 40 – 50.
Journal article
10455 Meshel, Z. 1973
Meshel, Z., "The Landscape Units of the Judean Desert", Teva VaAretz 15, no. 3 (1973): 116-119 (Hebrew).
Journal article
10456 Meshel, Z., Sass, B. 1974
Meshel, Z. and Sass, B., "Hurvat Bodeda", Israel Exploration Journal 24, no. 3-4 (1974): 284-285; Pl. 55f.
Journal article
10457 Meyer, M. W. 1983
Meyer, M. W., "Archaeological Survey of the Wadi Sheikh Ali, December 1980", Gottinger Miszellen 64 (1983): 77-82.
Journal article
10458 Michel, A. 1999
Michel, A., "Les culte des reliques dans les églises byzantines de Jordanie", Hortus Artium Medievalium 5 (1999): 31-39.
Journal article
10459 Mickley, P. 1923
Mickley, P., "Die Konstantin-Kirchen im Heiligen Lande", Das Land der Bibel 4 (1923): 54-56.
Journal article
10460 Milik, J. T. 1953
Milik, J. T., "Une inscription et une lettre en araméen christo-palestinien", Revue Biblique 60, no. 4 (1953): 526-539.
Journal article
10461 Milik, J. T. 1960
Milik, J. T., "Notes d'épigraphie et de topographie Palestiniennes: IX. — Sanctuaires chrétiens de Jérusalem a l'époque arabe (VIIe – Xe siècles)", Revue Biblique 67, no. 3 (1960): 354-367.[PDF File]
Journal article
10462 Milik, J. T. 1960-1961
Milik, J. T., "La topographie de Jérusalem vers la fin de l'époque byzantine", Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 37 (1960-1961): 127-189.
Journal article
