


Displaying 1801 - 1820 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10401 Macalister, R. A. S. 1899
Macalister, R. A. S., "A Byzantine Church at Umm er Rûs", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 31, no. 3 (1899): 200-204.
Journal article
10402 MacDonald, B. 1978
MacDonald, B., "The Gnostic library of Chenoboskion", The Biblical Archaeologist 41, no. 1 (1978): 32-37.
Journal article
10403 Macdonald, B. 1980
Macdonald, B., "The Hermitage of John the Abbot at Hammam 'Afra, Southern Jordan", Liber Annuus 30 (1980): ‎351-364, pls. 59-70.
Journal article
10404 Mader, A. E. 1929
Mader, A. E., "Conical sundial and ikon inscription from the Kastellion Monastery on Khirbet el Merd in the wilderness of Juda", Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 9 (1929): 122-135.
Journal article
10405 Mader, A. E. 1937
Mader, A. E., "Ein Bilderzyklus in der Gräberhöhle der St. Euthymios-Laura auf Mardes (Chirbet el-‎Mard) in der Wüste Juda‎", Oriens Christianus 34 (1937): 27-58, 192-212.
Journal article
10406 Magen, I., Baruch, Y. 1997
Magen, I. and Baruch, Y., "Khirbet Abu Rish (Beit Anun)", Liber Annuus 47 (1997): 339-358.
Journal article
10407 Magen, Y. 1995
Magen, Y., "Martyrius - Lavish Living for Monks: a Monastery, a Church, a Dining hall, a Hospice - Everything for the Well-Traveled Pilgrim", Biblical Archaeology Review 21, no. 5 (1995): 38 – 50.
Journal article
10408 Magen, Y. 2000
Magen, Y., "Mt. Gerizim - A Temple City", Qadmoniot 33.2, no. 120 (2000): 74-118 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10409 Magen, Y. 2001
Magen, Y., "The Crusader Church of St. Mary in el-Bira", Liber Annuus 51 (2001): 257-266.
Journal article
10410 Magen, Y., Hizmi, H. 1985
Magen, Y. and Hizmi, H., "The Monastery of Martyrius at Ma’ale Adumim", Qadmoniot 18.3/4, no. 71/72 (1985): 62-92 (Hebrew).
Journal article
10411 Magen, Y., Peleg, Y., Sarukh, I. 2003
Magen, Y., Peleg, Y. and Sarukh, I., "The Church at ‛Anab el-Kebir", Qadmoniot 36, no. 125 (2003): 47-54 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10412 Makhouly, N. 1944
Makhouly, N., "Tell es-Samak, Haifa Sub-District (in: Other Discoveries, 1938-40; p.201-207)", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 10 (1944): 206.
Journal article
10413 Mallon, A. 1922
Mallon, A., "Le sanctuaire byzantine de Beit-Djemal", Biblica 3 (1922): 502-507.
Journal article
10414 Mango, M. M. 1982
Mango, M. M., "Deux eglises de Mesopotamie du Nord: Ambar et Mar Abraham de Kashkar", Cahiers Archéologiques 30 (1982): 47-70.
Journal article
10415 Mann, G. 1973-1974
Mann, G., "The Deir Muqallik Cave (Theoctistus' Monastery)", Teva VaAretz 16, no. 1 (1973-1974): 34-39 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10416 Mansur, A. 1910
Mansur, A., "Jacob's Well", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 42, no. 2 (1910): 131-137.
Journal article
10417 Maraval, P. 1991
Maraval, P., "Les moines et les Lieux saints de Palestine", Le Monde de la Bible 68 (1991): 33-34.
Journal article
10418 Maraval, P. 1991
Maraval, P., "Les moines de palestine au coeur des conflits theologiques", Le Monde de la Bible 68 (1991): 36-40.
Journal article
10419 Mare, W. H. 1994
Mare, W. H., "The Christian Church of Abila of the Decapolis of the Yarmouk Valley System in the Umayyad Period", ARAM Periodical 6 (1994): 359 – 379.
Journal article
10420 Margalit, S. 1987
Margalit, S., "The North Church of Shivta: The Discovery of the First Church", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 119, no. 2 (1987): 106-121.
Journal article
