


Displaying 1881 - 1900 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
10484 Negev, A., Margalit, G. 1986
Negev, A. and Margalit, G., "Shivta", Israel Exploration Journal 36, no. 1-2 (1986): 110-111.
Journal article
10485 Nesbitt, J. W. 1969
Nesbitt, J. W., "A Geographical and Chronological Guide to Greek Saint Lives", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 35 (1969): 443- 461.
Journal article
10486 Netzer, E. 1983
Netzer, E., "Nuseib 'Uweishirah", Qardom 28-30 (1983): 118-119 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10487 Netzer, E., Birger, R., Peled, A. 1987
Netzer, E., Birger, R. and Peled, A., "The Churches of Herodion", Qadmoniot 20.1/2, no. 77/78 (1987): 32-44 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10488 Neyt, F. 1974
Neyt, F., "A Form of Charismatic Authority", Eastern Churches Review 6, no. 1 (1974): 52-56.
Journal article
10489 Nir, D. 1965
Nir, D., "Geomorphological Map of the Judean Desert, 1:100,000", Scripta Hierosolymitana 15 (1965): 5-29.
Journal article
10490 Noret, J. 1968
Noret, J., "Menologue, synaxaires, menees. Essai de clarification d'une terminologie", Analecta Bollandiana 86, no. 1-2 (1968): 21-24.
Journal article
10491 O’Connor, J. M. 2010
O’Connor, J. M., "The argument for the Holy Sepulchre", Revue Biblique 117, no. 1 (2010): 55-91.
Journal article
10492 Okada, M. 2012
Okada, M., "The Preservation and Exhibition of Christian Church Sites in Israel: A Case Study of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the Franciscan Order", Orient 47 (2012): 147 – 168.
Journal article
10493 Yeivin, S., Ory, J. 1955
Yeivin, S. and Ory, J., "Édifice chrétien près de Khirbet kafr Sibb‎ (in: Chronique Archéologique, p.82-91)", Revue Biblique 62, no. 1 (1955): 83-84.
Journal article
10494 Oshri, A. 1996
Oshri, A., "Beit Lehem ha-Glilit", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 106 (1996): 42-43 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
10495 Ousterhout, R. G. 2000
Ousterhout, R. G., "Church of the Holy Sepulchre (in Bologna, Italy)", Biblical Archaeology Review 26, no. 6 (2000): 20-35.
Journal article
10496 Ovadiah, A. 1973
Ovadiah, A., "A Crusader Church in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem", Eretz-Israel 11 (1973): 208-212 [in Hebrew; English summary].
Journal article
10497 Ovadiah, A. 1977
Ovadiah, A., "Two Notes on the Early Byzantine Complex at Kursi", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 109, no. 2 (1977): 123-124.
Journal article
10498 Ovadiah, A. 2005
Ovadiah, A., "Liturgical Modifications in the Early Byzantine Church in Eretz Israel: The Architectural and Epigraphic Evidence", Liber Annuus 55 (2005): 363 – 376.
Journal article
10499 Ovadiah, A., De Silva, C. G. 1981
Ovadiah, A. and De Silva, C. G., "Beer-Sheba (in: Supplementum to the Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land (Part 1); p.200-261)", Levant 13 (1981): 207-208 (no.5a-b/186).
Journal article
10500 Ovadiah, A., De Silva, C. G. 1981
Ovadiah, A. and De Silva, C. G., "Deir Serür (in: Supplementum to the Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land (Part 1); p.200-261)", Levant 13 (1981): 213 (no.13/194).
Journal article
10501 Ovadiah, A., De Silva, C. G. 1981
Ovadiah, A. and De Silva, C. G., "Jifna: Djifna: North church (in: Supplementum to the Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land (Part 1); p.200-261)", Levant 13 (1981): 227 (no.30/211).
Journal article
10502 Ovadiah, A., De Silva, C. G. 1981
Ovadiah, A. and De Silva, C. G., "Kefar'ata (in: Supplementum to the Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land (Part 1); p.200-261)", Levant 13 (1981): 228 (no.32/213).
Journal article
10503 Ovadiah, A., De Silva, C. G. 1981
Ovadiah, A. and De Silva, C. G., "Kh. Umm-Zakum: Kh. El-'Awja Et-Tahtä (in: Supplementum to the Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land (Part 1); p.200-261)", Levant 13 (1981): 236-237 (no.50/231).
Journal article
