Church components table

Nid Site Name Church name Dedication Functional Type Church type Geographical region Bishopric Provincial affiliation Crypt Accessibility and description Function Orientation Atrium Water cistern Narthex Aisles Colonnades / Arcades Capital types Transept Aisles East end Church Head/Chevet Central Apse Bema type Bema type text Elevation of Bema above nave Altar remains Altar type Altar reliquiarium type Altar location Secondary tables Ciborium Ambo Ambo remains Ambo location Ambo materials Ambo placement Apse elevation Apse shape Synthronon Synthronon location Synthronon remains Synthronon description Pastophoria loci Description and function of northern Description and function of southern Northern apse description and function Southern apse description and function Altar location Cult of relics loci Reliquiaries: shapes and contents Loci Font structure External shape Internal shape Ben-Peshat type Upper galleries Galleries description Burials loci Author (created) Count
12773 Khirbet Batin Church Unknown Unknown Samaria Hills Neapolis Palaestina I AM 1
12774 Khirbet et-Tell Church Unknown Unknown Samaria Hills Neapolis Palaestina I AM 1
12793 Kafr Kanna Funerary Chapel Funerary chapel Free standing Lower Galilee Sepphoris Palaestina II Apsidal funerary chapel facing north. External apse, round SB 1
155 Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) CATHISMA; KATHISMA Mary Theotokos Memorial Octagonal Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east No No No External apse, polygonal apsidal U shaped without lateral openings In Phase II the bema was extended to the west, into the ambulatory. The extension was made by adding two parallel walls with two staircases between them that led to the bema. 2 steps up Flush with the bema Horse-shoe shape AM 1
3126 Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Givat Hananya (Deir Abu Tor) Monastic Free standing basilica Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Jerusalem Palaestina I + It was discovered in 1913-4. Located under the north aisle of the church. Montgomery called it a catacomb church. Schneider conceived it as a burial chapel, predating the church. The chamber was partially hewn in rock and partially built with ashlars. It was accessed from the northern aisle by a flight of steps. The central chamber measured 4.8 X 2.7 m, 2.8 m high. Roofed with vaulted ceiling. In the eastern wall there is a central apse and north of it another much smaller apsidal niche. Two rectangular niches for cupboards were cut in the northern wall. Seemingly a burial crypt. Schneider suggested that the crypt was earlier than the church itself. Facing east Yes 2 Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal Hemispherical No N & S Pastophoria, as Schneider had noted, were built in a more coarse technique from fieldstones. So, he had assumed, that they were added at the second architectural phase. Measured: 2.80x1.60 m. AM 1
13096 Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Monastery of the Holy Cross Monastic Free standing basilica Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east External apse, quadrangular monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal Yes Against the apse grades Under the floor of apse, on both sides of the altar, two built stones were found, containing human remains. The southern one was destroyed in antiquity. Four graves were uncovered in the prayer hall, dated by Economopoulos to the end of the 3rd -beginning of the 4th century. Three of the graves, located under the northern aisle mosaic, are cist graves. Only the middle tomb was used. The fourth grave, located between the nave and south aisle, is a form of an underground hewn arcosolium with a small antechamber. The four tombs predate the first church, but were discovered under the floor of the second church. AM 1
13097 Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Gan Ha-Azma’ut Memorial Unknown Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Jerusalem Palaestina I AM 1
13099 Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Mamilla Funerary chapel Cave chapel Jerusalem (extra-mural) Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east Burial cave accessed through the chapel. The tomb yielded many bones, coins, oil lamps adorned with crosses and cruciform pendant. The cave served as a mass grave for Christians who was killed during the Persian conquest of Jerusalem. AM 1
13530 Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Giv'at Ram; Binyanei Ha-Umah; Sheikh Bader Annexed chapel on the S. dedicated to St. George Monastic Basilica with an annexed chapel Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east No Yes No 2 Internal apse dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal legs N & S 3.2 x 2.1 m. 2.9 x 2.2 m. Burial complex was revealed in Areas B2, B3. It was located near the chapel of St. George and served for the inhabitants of the monastery. Staircase led to the stone-built vaulted space with ashlar-built arcosolia (with troughs hewn in the bedrock). Human remains, including the skeleton of the child, were opened in it. A lamp and two coins, found there, were attributed to the Late Byzantine - Early-Islamic period. TB 1
12695 'Ein ‎Ḥarun Chapel Aaron the Priest (?) Memorial Cave chapel Samaria Hills Palaestina I AM 1
12610 Ashdod Yam (Azotos Paralios) Church Unknown Unknown Southern Coastal Plain Palaestina I AM 1
16953 Ashdod Yam (Azotos Paralios) Church of the Deaconesses unknown Unknown Basilica with an annexed chapel Southern Coastal Plain Azotos Palaestina I Facing east 2 External apse, round monoapsidal with open lateral rooms or spaces (mon-aps I) apsidal Depression in the floor Open space - aisle dead-end, mosaic paved. A masonry case for an under-altar reliquary marks the location of the altar. A cist tomb was found to its south. See photos under General Description.  The reliquary was found empty and broken in the collapse of the church. Several names of deaconesses were mentioned in the Greek inscriptions, located one under the other in the eastern part of the northern annex (near the altar of the northern chapel). The mosaic in this part is sunken, as there is a burial locus under it. Not excavated yet. ST 1
12673 Beit Qad (Bethacath) Church Unknown Unknown Samaria Hills Palaestina I AM 1
463 Beit 'Anun (Bethennim) Northern Church Parochial Free standing basilica Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I + Beneath the church a rock-cut tomb was found. Originally, this was a Second Temple period tomb that was refitted for burial for the use of the church and might be the reason for erecting the church. The crypt has two entrances: the southern opens outside the church walls, while the western is through a passage reaching to narthex. Near the church the other tombs, containing fragments of ossuaries, were found. Burial crypt; cult of the relics. Facing east No No Yes 2 Colonnade Internal apse n/a apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 2 steps up No No AM 1
12240 Beit 'Anun (Bethennim) SE slope Church (Central Church) Parochial Basilica with an annexed chapel Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I + Small vaulted crypt is located under the floor of the southern pastophorium. Accessed through a square shaft open in the middle of the floor. No bones or division into tombs were uncovered in it. It is attributed to Phase 1. Seemingly it serve as a sort of hiding place for the most valuables of the church. A secret skeuophylakion. A secret skeuophylakion. Facing east Yes Yes Yes 2 Arcade of columns Corinthian Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 2 steps up base plate Marble, table like No altar reliquiarium On the apse cord No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No N & S Lockable square room, 3.2 X 3.2 m in dimensions. It was not completely excavated. In the second stage it served as a baptisterium, separated from the aisle by a screen. The font was hexagonal. A white mosaic floor was laid around in the Umayyad period. Lockable square room, 3.2 X 3.2 m in dimensions. A square ashlar opening in the middle of the floor led through a square shaft into a vaulted crypt beneath this room. No bones or division into tombs were observed. It might had served as a secret treasury (skeuophylakion). On the apse cord During the second stage a hexagonal baptismal font was set on the mosaic floor of the northern pastophorium and it got a screen on the west. The font was surrounded by a white mosaic floor in the Early Islamic period. Masonry built hexagonal hexagonal 2 AM 1
16357 Beth Govrin (Eleutheropolis) Church Unknown Parochial Basilical Shephelah Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east 2 Colonnade Corinthian External apses, round tri-apsidal (central external, lateral internal) apsidal ST 1
13124 Beth Govrin (Eleutheropolis) el-Maqerqesh Christ Pantocrator Parochial With an annexed room Shephelah Palaestina I Internal apse apsidal SB 1
11971 Beth Govrin (Eleutheropolis) Mahatt el-Urdi church Parochial Basilica with an annexed chapel Shephelah Palaestina I Facing east No Yes 2 Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings 2 steps up No Flush with the bema Horse-shoe shape No N & S Two steps lead to the the northern pastophorium which was on a higher level than the northern aisle. The floor is paved with a mosaic with geometric patterns. In the southern aisle (diaconicon?) there were many inscriptions which were destroyed. The floor is paved with a mosaic with geometric patterns. AM 1
149 Beth Yerah (Philotheria; Khirbet el-Kerak) Church Parochial Basilica with an annexed chapel Sea of Galilee Tiberias Palaestina II Facing east Yes Yes Yes 2 External apses, round tri-apsidal apsidal T shaped with three openings The bema of phases 1-2 was U-shaped and a little narrower than the central apse. It was raised about 20 cm. above the nave floor level. The chancel screen didn’t preserved. A box-like depression (29.5 cm. square and 14 cm. deep) for a reliquary was found on the center line of the apse and at its chord. The reliquary may represent the place of the altar, which is not preserved. In phase 3 the bema became T-shaped, expanding towards the eastern parts of the aisles. 1 step up Depression in the floor On the apse cord + Flush with the bema Yes Against the apse grades In the central apse remains of a synthronon preserved, represented by a stone bench of 1 m. wide attached to the inner wall of the apse. The synthronon was two tiers high (about 60 cm.) and, probably, covered with marble. Cult of the relics: in the center of the northern apse, in the floor, a box-like depression (35 cm. square and 20 cm. deep) for a reliquary was found. On the apse cord under altar, N apse In the central apse a box-like depression (29.5 cm. square and 14 cm. deep) for a reliquary was found on the center line of the apse and at its chord. It was revated in marble. In the center of the northern apse, a box-like depression (35 cm. square and 20 cm. deep) for a reliquary was found. The northeast baptismal chapel approached by a doorway in the eastern half of the northern wall of the north aisle. Two stone built tombs were found under the floor of the domus, belong to Phase I. One tomb located near the western end of the north aisle, while the other one located in the western part of the nave. The first tomb (1.93 m. X 76 cm. X 72 cm.) contained remains of several skeletons and few small finds, while the second (1.90 m. X 42 cm. X 25 cm.) was empty. AM 1
12596 Bethany (Bethania; el 'Azariye) St. Lazarus (First Church) St. Lazarus Monastic Free standing basilica Judean Desert fringes Palaestina I Facing east 2 Corinthian Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings no remains No Flush with the bema Hemispherical No N & S The northern pastophorium measures 4 X 2.7 m and has a colorful mosaic carpet. Similar in dimensions to the northern. AM 1
