Church components table

Nid Site Name Church name Dedication Functional Type Church type Geographical region Bishopric Provincial affiliation Crypt Accessibility and description Function Orientation Atrium Water cistern Narthex Aisles Colonnades / Arcades Capital types Transept Aisles East end Church Head/Chevet Central Apse Bema type Bema type text Elevation of Bema above nave Altar remains Altar type Altar reliquiarium type Altar location Secondary tables Ciborium Ambo Ambo remains Ambo location Ambo materials Ambo placement Apse elevation Apse shape Synthronon Synthronon location Synthronon remains Synthronon description Pastophoria loci Description and function of northern Description and function of southern Northern apse description and function Southern apse description and function Altar location Cult of relics loci Reliquiaries: shapes and contents Loci Font structure External shape Internal shape Ben-Peshat type Upper galleries Galleries description Burials loci Author (created) Count
12833 Bir Zeit Church Unknown Unknown Samaria Hills Palaestina I AM 1
12834 Jifna‎ Keniset el-Adrah (South Church) St. George (?) Parochial Chapel Samaria Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east 2 apsidal Hemispherical AM 1
12835 Jifna‎ North Church Unknown Unknown Samaria Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Round ‎baptismal ‎font with a ‎rounded ‎cruciform ‎basin. It is located nowadays in the Greek church, though by early surveyors it was mentioned in the Crusader church. Bagatti, ‎Magen and ‎Kagan ‎suggested, ‎based on ‎Robinson’s ‎survey, that ‎the font ‎originally ‎belonged to ‎Kenisat el-‎Adrah.‎ Monolithic circular cruciform 9a AM 1
12836 Khirbet Shatta Church Unknown Unknown Samaria Hills Palaestina I Facing east AM 1
12837 Yabrud Church Parochial Unknown Samaria Hills Neapolis Palaestina I AM 1
12838 Khirbet Kafr 'Ana Church Parochial Unknown Samaria Hills Neapolis Palaestina I Facing east AM 1
12839 Tell 'Asur Church Unknown Unknown Samaria Hills Neapolis Palaestina I AM 1
12841 El-'Auja‎ Church Unknown Unknown Southern Jordan Valley Palaestina I Facing east Yes AM 1
12843 Kharbata Church Unknown Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Diospolis Palaestina I AM 1
12844 Khirbet en-Nebi ‎‎‘Annir ‎ Church Unknown Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Palaestina I Facing east AM 1
12845 Unnamed Site (Wadi el-'Auja?)) Church Monastic Unknown Southern Jordan Valley Regio Jericho Palaestina I AM 1
12847 Khirbet el-Midye Church Parochial Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Nikopolis Palaestina I Facing east AM 1
12856 Khirbet Zakhariya Church Monastic Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Diospolis Palaestina I Monolithic circular quadrifoil 9a AM 1
12857 El-Janiya Church Unknown Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Palaestina I Corinthian AM 1
12864 Rammun Church Unknown Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Diospolis Palaestina I AM 1
12866 Khirbet Mann’a Church Unknown Free standing basilica Southern and Western Samaria Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east No Yes 2 AM 1
12867 Er-Ram Church Unknown Basilical Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east Yes Pringle (1983: 24) had reported an outstanding hexagonal stone, which was reused as mouth of the cistern to the east from the mosque. A rounded hole was carved in its center (outer diameter ca. 1 m. length of the sides 0·60 m; height 0.44 m; diameter of the circular hole 0.60 m. He considered that it could be initially a baptismal font (sounds logic). Monolithic hexagonal circular 9c Early surveyors had mentioned a certain tomb of the saint inside or near the mosque. The details are not clear from the description, but probably it was connected to Christian tradition. Also in 1905 (?) and 1907 (Vincent) at least two Christian tombs were revealed with clear Christian context, as it was defined by oil lamps with handles in a shape of the cross or with the Greek inscription Fos Christou (Light of Christ). Probably, these tombs were related to the church or to one of the early traditions, according to which Prophet Samuel was buried in Er-Rama (not in Nabi Samuel). AM 1
12868 Wadi el-‘Ein Church Monastic Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Jerusalem Palaestina I Yes AM 1
12870 El-Gib Church Unknown Chapel Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east Yes Internal apse quadrangular Quadrangular AM 1
12892 Khirbet Umm ‎Zaqum‎ Chapel Monastic With an annexed room Southern Jordan Valley Regio Jericho Palaestina I Facing east Yes Internal apse apsidal Transversal 1 step up no remains AM 1
