Church components table

Nid Site Name Church name Dedication Functional Type Church type Geographical region Bishopric Provincial affiliation Crypt Accessibility and description Function Orientation Atrium Water cistern Narthex Aisles Colonnades / Arcades Capital types Transept Aisles East end Church Head/Chevet Central Apse Bema type Bema type text Elevation of Bema above nave Altar remains Altar type Altar reliquiarium type Altar location Secondary tables Ciborium Ambo Ambo remains Ambo location Ambo materials Ambo placement Apse elevation Apse shape Synthronon Synthronon location Synthronon remains Synthronon description Pastophoria loci Description and function of northern Description and function of southern Northern apse description and function Southern apse description and function Altar location Cult of relics loci Reliquiaries: shapes and contents Loci Font structure External shape Internal shape Ben-Peshat type Upper galleries Galleries description Burials loci Author (created) Count
12893 Mevo Modi’im Chapel Monastic With an annexed room Shephelah Nikopolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes 1 step up plate, legs Stone, table-like AM 1
12895 Khirbet Khudria ‎ Church Monastic Basilical Samaria Hills Neapolis Palaestina I Facing east Monolith baptismal font was revealed in the vicinity of the church. Monolithic square quadrifoil 9b AM 1
12896 Khirbet el-Kiliya‎ Chapel Monastic Free standing Samaria Desert Fringes Antipatris Palaestina I + The crypt consists of various tombs installed underneath the room's mosaic floor. Several skeletons were interred in the same tomb. Burial crypt. Facing east Yes AM 1
12897 Beit ‘Ur et-‎Tahta Chapel Unknown Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Palaestina I AM 1
12898 Khirbet Suweikeh ‎ St. Varus (?) St. Varus (?) Unknown Basilical Southern and Western Samaria Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east AM 1
12901 Khirbet 'Asida Church Unknown Free standing basilica Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Yes 2 Colonnade SB 1
12905 'Ein el Hanniya Church Unknown Free standing basilica Judean Hills Palaestina I Facing east Yes Yes 2 Colonnade Internal apses monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal Miscellaneous shape The bema is wider than the apse, but does not extend into the aisles. 2 steps up imprints Chest-shaped Depression in the floor On the apse cord + Elevated relative to the bema Hemispherical Yes Against the apse indications on the floor N & S Separated from the aisle by a step, now destroyed. Near the east end marks of a secondary table are visible in the floor, in its center, a stone cup. Approached from the aisle by two steps, in line with the bema steps, not from the original phase. This as well as the extension of the mosaic carpet which extended up to this line may suggest that the area farther east served as a martyrial chapel as well. The original floor was destroyed to bed rock. The two steps are now destroyed. An outline of a secondary table ‎can be recognized in the mosaic. There was niche at the south-west corner. On the apse cord under altar, N apse, S apse A rectangular marble reliquary with a gabled lid was found in the middle of a rectangular cavity reveted by limestone plates, located under the altar. The gabled lid had a perforated hole on its top. An anthropological analysis revealed that the bones comprised of a skeleton of a child, about 4 years old; a skull of an adult female and a foot of an animal (sheep or goat). A second reliquary, of limestone, held two compartment, one rectangular and the other oval. It was smaller and with broken walls. A rectangular hole in the mosaic floor of the northern pastophrium, with a concave cavity in its center, suggest that a third reliquiary might have been located there. SB 1
12915 Machmas (Mukhmas) Church Unknown Basilical Judean Desert fringes Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east 2 AM 1
12916 Khallat ed-‎Danabiya ‎ Church Monastic Cave church Samaria Desert Fringes Jerusalem Palaestina I + The crypt is cut into a natural cave beneath the floor of the church. The access is from outside. The crypt consists of two burial compartments, each 2 x 1.5 m. The compartments were separated by a partition of fieldstones and the walls were plastered. A number of skeletons were found in the crypt. A second burial was found to the south of the church. The entrance was located on a rock-platform about five meters southwest of the cave church. The burial cave is 2.5 m high and 5.25 m wide. Four burial benches were separated from each other by low partitions of fieldstones coated with plaster. Burial crypt. Facing east A rock-cut baptismal font, 1.5x1.8m in dimensions, was found to the south of the apse of the cave chapel. Its floor was paved by a crude, white mosaic floor, and its walls coated by hydraulic plaster. rectangular rectangular 1b AM 1
12918 Ez-Zakhaliq (Khirbet Ras et-Tawil) Chapel Monastic Free standing Samaria Desert Fringes Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east Yes AM 1
12919 Nuseib el-‎‎‘Aweishireh ‎ Church Monastic Unknown Southern Jordan Valley Palaestina I Facing east Yes AM 1
12936 Jebel el Qafsa; Har Qedumim Chapel Saltus Domini. Hermitage chapel Cave chapel Lower Galilee Sepphoris Palaestina II Facing North-East. Yes Internal apse apsidal Hemispherical SB 1
12951 Tell ‘Aqaba ‎ Chapel (?) Monastic Free standing Judean Desert Regio Jericho Palaestina I Facing east Yes AM 1
12952 Khirbet Mugheifir (‎Monasteries of ‎Elias) Church Monastic Unknown Southern Jordan Valley Regio Jericho Palaestina I Facing east Yes AM 1
12953 Qasr el-Yahud St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Monastic Unknown Southern Jordan Valley Regio Jericho Palaestina I Facing east Yes AM 1
12954 Nebi Samwil Church Monastic Unknown Southern and Western Samaria Jerusalem Palaestina I AM 1
12956 Qal’at Musa ‎ Church Monastic Unknown Judean Desert Jerusalem Palaestina I AM 1
12955 'Ein Fara (Monastery of ‎Pharan‎) Chapel Monastic Free standing Judean Desert Palaestina I Facing east No External apse, round AM 1
12990 'Ein Hajla (Monastery of Calamon) Church Monastic Unknown Southern Jordan Valley Palaestina I AM 1
16159 Deir Hajla (Monastery of Gerasimus) Upper Church unknown Monastic Basilical Southern Jordan Valley Regio Jericho Palaestina I Facing east Yes Yes 2 Arcade of pillars Ionic, Composite, Basket, Corinthian Internal apse dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal legs N & S The apse was flanked with square pastophoria, formed from the eastern dead-ends of aisles and tapered passages into them with pilasters and piers. Behind the apse there was a narrow passageway, that originally connected the pastophoria. elsewhere The are the venerated remains of the martyrs, massacred by Persians in 614 in the monastery. The tomb of St. Gerasimus is said to be somewhere in the desert; lost. ST 1
