Church components table

Nid Site Name Church name Dedication Functional Type Church type Geographical region Bishopric Provincial affiliation Crypt Accessibility and description Function Orientation Atrium Water cistern Narthex Aisles Colonnades / Arcades Capital types Transept Aisles East end Church Head/Chevet Central Apse Bema type Bema type text Elevation of Bema above nave Altar remains Altar type Altar reliquiarium type Altar location Secondary tables Ciborium Ambo Ambo remains Ambo location Ambo materials Ambo placement Apse elevation Apse shape Synthronon Synthronon location Synthronon remains Synthronon description Pastophoria loci Description and function of northern Description and function of southern Northern apse description and function Southern apse description and function Altar location Cult of relics loci Reliquiaries: shapes and contents Loci Font structure External shape Internal shape Ben-Peshat type Upper galleries Galleries description Burials loci Author (created) Count
13437 Kursi-Gerasa; Chorsia-Gergesa Chapel Miracle of the Swine Memorial Chapel Sea of Galilee Hippos Palaestina II Facing east No Yes No Internal apse no remains Yes Against the apse grades The upper bench is subdivided into semicircular plastered seats, 0.50 m diameter. Three remaining on the southern side. The lower bench was decorated with a painted black and white chevron design. TB 1
13772 Khirbet Medschdel Ba'a; Khirbe Mejdel Ba'a Chapel Monastic? Chapel Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I TB 1
17959 Ramat Beth Shemesh Church of the Glorious Martyr Pilgrims' church Basilica with an annexed chapel Shephelah Eleutheropolis Palaestina I + The crypt, vaulted, located under the bema. The upper part of the vault was partially open to the prayer hall, being blocked by an iron grill. It was accessed from the northern and southern ends of the nave via two parallel vaulted stairways, located on the front side of the bema, thus enabling convenient circulation of pilgrims in and out. The walls of the crypt and the descending passages were lined by marble plates. A window, later blocked, was installed in the eastern wall. A rectangular niche underneath might had held a reliquary (a lid fragment of which was found at the site). Pilgrims crypt. Apparently it contained the relics of the Glorious Martyr. Facing east Yes Yes Yes 2 Colonnade Corinthian Internal apse monoapsidal with open lateral rooms or spaces (mon-aps I) apsidal U shaped without lateral openings Elevated more than usual; accessed from the nave by two staircases, on the north and south. more no remains Flush with the bema Hemispherical Yes Against the apse grades Single bench installed along the perimeter of the apse. crypt A rectangular niche underneath the window installed in the eastern wall of the crypt might had held a reliquary (lid fragment of which was found at the site). Monolith baptismal font, carved from one piece of calcite block (originating in a quarry located not too far away, to the NE of Beth Shemesh). The inner space is quadrifoil; the outer cruciform, resembling Ben-Pechat 9b, but not exact. The font was originally set in the center of a mosaic-paved hall installed in Phase 3 to the east of the church-head, accessed from both aisles. In a later stage the monolithic font was shifted, set against a later wall built across the southern part of the hall. Monolithic cruciform quadrifoil 9b ST 1
13770 Tel Tanninim Church Monastic? Basilical Coastal plain Caesarea Palaestina I External apse, round n/a TB 1
12999 At-Taiyibe (Apharaema/Ephraim) Chapel Memorial Cave chapel Samaria Hills Palaestina I AM 1
12840 At-Taiyibe (Apharaema/Ephraim) Greek Orthodox Church of St. George St. George (?) Parochial Basilical Samaria Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east Yes Yes 2 Colonnade Corinthian External apses, round second apse on the s apsidal no remains The church also yielded a rounded cruciform (four-lobe) basin (ca. 0.8 m in both diameter and height). It has a drain hole in the middle, but this is no longer used since a smaller metal basin is in use today in the Greek Orthodox church. In the small square in front of the church, near the western rooms, there is concave stone with a vine planted in it, which seems to be a smaller baptismal font (0.8 m in diameter; 0.5 m high) (Bagatti 2002: 41, Pl. 7:3).‎ Monolithic circular cruciform 9a AM 1
12914 At-Taiyibe (Apharaema/Ephraim) El-Khader St. George, or St. Elias Parochial Annex\es on N & S Samaria Hills Jerusalem (?) Palaestina I + Six rock-cut stairs led in to an earlier hypogeum incorporated under the western end of the northern aisle (Schneider 1931a: 20, Fig.7). It seems to had served as a burial crypt. Facing east No Yes Yes 2 Colonnade Trapezoidal External apse, polygonal dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal U shaped According to Michel's reconstruction the bema, U-shaped, had a single opening in the center of the chancel screen. But at the absence of detailed plans and description, this might be hypothetical. Likewise his reconstruction of the synthronon built against the apse and an ambo projecting from the NW corner of the sanctuary already in the early phase, attributed to the late 5th - early 6th c. no remains Stone, table-like Base plate with a central depression On the apse cord Yes base plate N Lime stone On a circular slab Flush with the bema Hemispherical Yes Against the apse According to Michel's reconstruction a synthronon was built against the apse. But no details are provided to confirm its attribution to Phase 1, dated to the late 5th - early 6th c. T On the apse cord elsewhere Two reliquary were found in the area of the church; none in situ. One, box-like, being incorporated in a late wall, had two compartments for relics, interconnected by a hole. Its dimensions: 41.5x45cm; height could not be determined. The second was cippus-like, 32x43m; 82cm high, with three compartments in its top. A hole in the narrow, central compartment enabled flow of oil outside, to a tiny niche installed near the top of the cippus. No lids were uncovered. Their original location could not be determined. The box-like might have been an under-altar reliquary. See under the annex attached to the church on the north. Monolithic circular quadrifoil 9a Near the north-west corner of the northern aisle an earlier hypogeum was incorporated (Schneider 1931a: 20, Fig.7). It seems to had served as a burial crypt. Remains of numerous skeletons and many oil lamps of various periods were found therein. It consisted of a single burial chamber containing three arcosolia. AM 1
15698 Khirbet el-Karmil (Chermela) South of Rujm Barakat unknown Parochial Unknown Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I JP 1
14212 Khirbet el-Karmil (Chermela) Central Church Unknown Parochial Basilical Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east 2 Colonnade Ionic Internal apse monoapsidal with open lateral rooms or spaces (mon-aps I) apsidal no remains N & S Just only the size is known, each 2.1 m wide. Both were open to the aisles through the central entrances ST 1
14221 Khirbet el-Karmil (Chermela) Rujm Mereze; Kh. Birket el-Karmil Unknown Parochial Basilical Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Yes No 2 Composite n/a apsidal no remains ST 1
14222 Khirbet el-Karmil (Chermela) Rujm Barakat Unknown Parochial Basilical Hebron Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes 2 Colonnade Internal apses tri-apsidal apsidal no remains N & S According to the plan of Mader, there were two similar and almost square pastophoria (each 4x3.3 m) on both sides of the apse, with the narrow entrances from the aisles. In the description of the church, Kagan follows Mader's plan, though he published the plan, offered by Schneider, with the smaller pastophoria behind the lateral apses and thus lockable from the aisles. ST 1
14350 Khirbet Bism; Kh. Bezem Basilica Unknown Basilical Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes Ionic External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal no remains ST 1
14369 Khirbet Khoreisa; Kh. Khureisa; Ch. Choreisā; Ch. Chēsa; Ḫ. Ḫurēsa; Khirbet Umm Tîrân; Caphar Orsa Basilica Parochial Free standing basilica Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east Yes Yes 2 Colonnade Internal apse monoapsidal with open lateral rooms or spaces (mon-aps I) apsidal no remains N & S Two small lateral rooms flank the apse. ST 1
14379 Khirbet Kufin; Khirbet Koufin Basilica Parochial Free standing basilica Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I Facing east Yes Yes Yes 2 Colonnade Corinthian External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) U shaped without lateral openings no remains ST 1
14397 Khirbet Mahoz Basilica unknown Parochial Basilical Western Galilee Sepphoris Palaestina II Facing east ST 1
14405 Khirbet Yarin Basilica Parochial Free standing basilica Western Galilee Tyre Facing east Colonnade tri-apsidal apsidal no remains Two tombs near the church ST 1
14401 Khirbet Yarun ed Deir; Yaron Basilica unknown Parochial Free standing basilica Central and Eastern Galilee Tetrakomia Palaestina II Facing east Yes 2 Colonnade Corinthian External apses, round tri-apsidal apsidal imprints, foundations Stone, table-like Inside the apse Inside the apse ST 1
14429 Nabi Thari; Nebi Tari; Neby Thary; Kh. Sheeri Basilica unknown Parochial Basilical Sharon Antipatris Facing east External apse, round n/a apsidal no remains ST 1
14434 Nahal Tanninim; Nahar el-Zaqra; Kh. Kabara; Syna mons; Crocodilon flumen Chapel Unknown Chapel Sharon Caesarea Palaestina I Facing east External apse, round no remains ST 1
14456 Bethlehem in Galilee; Bethlehem of Zebulun Basilica unknown Monastic Basilica with two annexed chapels Lower Galilee Sepphoris Palaestina II Facing east Yes Yes 2 Doric External apses, polygonal tri-apsidal apsidal The eastern end of the aisle, in front of the apse, was bared by a screen, indicating that this area served as a Martyr's chapel. N apse The eastern end of the aisle, in front of the apse, was bared by a screen, indicating that this area served as a Martyr's chapel. ST 1
