Church components table

Nid Site Name Church name Dedication Functional Type Church type Geographical region Bishopric Provincial affiliation Crypt Accessibility and description Function Orientation Atrium Water cistern Narthex Aisles Colonnades / Arcades Capital types Transept Aisles East end Church Head/Chevet Central Apse Bema type Bema type text Elevation of Bema above nave Altar remains Altar type Altar reliquiarium type Altar location Secondary tables Ciborium Ambo Ambo remains Ambo location Ambo materials Ambo placement Apse elevation Apse shape Synthronon Synthronon location Synthronon remains Synthronon description Pastophoria loci Description and function of northern Description and function of southern Northern apse description and function Southern apse description and function Altar location Cult of relics loci Reliquiaries: shapes and contents Loci Font structure External shape Internal shape Ben-Peshat type Upper galleries Galleries description Burials loci Author (created) Count
13191 Bethlehem The Nativity: Justinian church Memorial Trefoil Judean Hills Palaestina I + Cave of Nativity. Accessed by two staircases from the northern and southern transept. Earlier staircase, ascending from the west, was blocked. The bronze door at the top of the northern staircase is Justinianic. A conch in the eastern wall holding an altar. A silver star underneath marks the place of nativity. Few steps near the SE corner descend to the place of the Manger and the Adoration of the Magi. An opening of a cistern is located in the NW corner. --- Underground Chapel of St. Jerome - under the southern portico of the Franciscan Cloister. --- Cistern under the NW part of the bema. Its opening is the Well of the Star. Commemorating the Nativity. Facing east Yes Yes Yes 4 Colonnade Corinthian Transept aisles External apses, round trefoil apsidal U shaped without lateral openings Only one lateral opening, on the south, leading to a staircase ascending to the Sacristy and Chapel of St. George. 2 steps up Marble, table like On the apse cord Hemispherical Yes Against the apse grades On the apse cord Bones are shown in the Tomb of the Holy Innocents. For traditional tombs of other saints, see above, under Crypt. A monolithic baptismal font of reddish (mizzi ahmar) stone, is standing at present in the southern aisle of the basilica. It is attested there since the 16th c. (Ben Pechat 1989: fig. 18). A Greek votive inscription framed in a tabula ansata reads: “For remembrance, rest, and remission of sins of those whose names the Lord knows”. Both the epigraphic characteristics and the overall shape point to a sixth-century date. A marble font, smaller in size, was stuck inside. Following a recent inspection it was suggested that originally the monolith was open at its bottom. The 1934 excavations brought to light the circular opening of the well in the northern side and next to the bema - seemingly the well inside which the Star of the Magi was shown to pilgrims. It was suggested that the said monolith may have originally served as well-head of this well. Hence the very existence and the original location of the baptistery are unknown. Monolithic octagonal quadrifoil 9c --- Tombs of Sts. Eusebius, St. Jerome, St. Paula and Eustochium - under the eastern end of the northern aisles of the basilica. --- Tomb of the Holy Innocents, under the northern transept. --- Burial Grottos, under the southern external aisle of the basilica. AS 1
14532 Bethlehem MILK GROTTO Virgin Mary Memorial Cave church Judean Hills Jerusalem Palaestina I ST 1
13315 Bethlehem Mausoleum of David David Memorial Unknown Judean Hills Palaestina I SB 1
13175 Bethlehem The Nativity: Constantinian church Memorial Basilical Judean Hills Palaestina I + Cave of Nativity. Accessible by a single staircase located at the eastern end of the nave, later blocked. The staircase had two flight of stairs: first a short N-S one, and then a W-E one, going down into the Cave / Grotto. The existence of an oculus in the ceiling is debated. Commemorating the Nativity of Christ. Facing east Yes Yes 4 Colonnade Corinthian no remains + N & S A white mosaic with crosses. AS 1
13703 Bethlehem Chapel Unknown Unknown Judean Hills Palaestina I SB 1
13179 Duer el-Loz Chapel Unknown Chapel Golan Heights Hippos Palaestina II Facing east Yes apsidal Hemispherical TB 1
13129 Ḥorvat So'a; Khirbet Sa'wa Church Monastic Basilical Beer Sheba Valley Eleutheropolis Palaestina I Facing east No No External apse, round dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal TB 1
13288 Castra Samaritanorum; Ḥorvat Qastra; Khirbet Kafr Samir Northeastern church Parochial Annex\es on the south Mt. Carmel Porphyreon Phoenice I Facing east Yes Yes 2 Internal apse monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal The type of bema is unknown. no remains + Yes Against the apse grades Semicircular steps of the synthronon with a throne or cathedra in its center were exposed against the apse. It was built probably in the second phase at the same time with the apse. N & S The function of the northern pastophoria is unknown. It was rectangular room that was built in the second phase at the same time with the apse. The southern pastophoria was built in the second phase and was extended to the south with the construction of the baptistery. The baptistery was built in the second phase in the form of a Greek cross and was located in the room that was developed from the southern pastophoria. The capacity of the baptistery was reduced later by filling three branches of the cross by ashlars. In the third phase it was overlaid by a large chapel paved by mosaic floor. Masonry built cruciform cruciform 4a AS 1
13289 Castra Samaritanorum; Ḥorvat Qastra; Khirbet Kafr Samir Western Church Parochial Basilica with an annexed chapel Mt. Carmel Porphyreon Phoenice I Facing east No 2 External apse, round monoapsidal with lockable pastophoria (mon-aps II) apsidal N & S The function is unknown. The function is unknown. Monolithic octagonal 9c AS 1
17847 Beer Sheba Church 1 Unknown Unknown Beer Sheba Valley Saltus Gerariticus Palaestina III SB 1
15195 Beer Sheba Triconch Church Parochial Transept Beer Sheba Valley Saltus Gerariticus Palaestina III Facing east Yes 2 Colonnade Transept aisles External apse, quadrangular dead end aisles (mon-aps III) apsidal U shaped U shaped. It is not known if any lateral entrances existed. 3 steps up no remains Yes side plates, indicated by screen N Marble On a Rectangular slab Flush with the bema Hemispherical N & S Located in the NE corner of the cruciform internal space. Rectangular in shape; lockable. Entrance from the long southern wall, flanked by plastered benches facing the bema. Located in the SE corner of the cruciform internal space. Rectangular in shape; lockable. Entrance from the long northern wall, near its eastern end. A plastered bench facing the bema extended on the west of this entrance. ST 1
17850 Beer Sheba Church 2 Unknown Unknown Beer Sheba Valley Saltus Gerariticus Palaestina III SB 1
13303 Beer Sheba Triapsidal Church Unknown Free standing basilica Beer Sheba Valley Saltus Gerariticus Palaestina III tri-apsidal apsidal under altar A cavity built of marble slabs under the altar. A series of tombs were uncovered between the two floors of the apse. All but one tomb, which contained the burial of a child, contained several burials. No small finds. SB 1
13314 'Ein ed-Dirweh St. Philip? Memorial Free standing basilica Judean Hills Palaestina I Facing east Yes Colonnade Corinthian N & S Lockable room. Lockable room. A natural stream is in the area and a well was located south- west of the church, with a canal leading to it from the church area. The well is connected to the tradition of St. Philip's baptism of the eunuch (Acts 8, 26-38) SB 1
13324 Beit Safafa Church Funerary chapel Free standing basilica Judean Hills Palaestina I Fasing west 2 Colonnade A mausoleum divided by thin wall 17 cm. wide, into 7-8 tombs with white mosaic floors and covered by stone slabs. Four of the tombs contained lead coffins and own contained two small lead coffins. One of the small coffins contained an infant only a few months old. SB 1
13341 Dabburiya church (?) Unknown Unknown Lower Galilee Sepphoris Palaestina II AS 1
13352 Deir el 'Asal Church Unknown Basilical Judean Hills Eleutheropolis Palaestina I AS 1
13365 Caesarea Octagonal Church The name of the saint martyr St. Procopius was suggested by some scholars (Shalev-Hurwitz, for example), but this is far from being certain. Another possibility is St. Cornelius (AP, 46). Martyr's shrine Octagonal Coastal plain Palaestina I Facing east Yes Yes Built over the marble floor of the eastern side of the ambulatory a decade or two after the inauguration of the octagonal martyrion, ca. 500 CE. A semicircular shape is conjectured. 2 steps up no remains Yes base plate Marble On a circular slab elsewhere The excavators believe that originally the church relics were placed in a masonry pit in the geometrical center of the church. The locale of the reliquary was decorated by green marble (Cipollino) slabs, only bits of which came to light. SB 1
13367 Caesarea Chapel of St. Paul? Unknown Free standing Coastal plain Palaestina I Two sarcophagi were found in secondary use as water basins in the warehouse area. As the cemetery area is 700 m. away, it seems unlikely that they were carried all the way instead of building basins with masonry blocks. The excavators believe that they, along with the mortuary inscription, relate to the chapel. A possible crypt might have been in a room, 3X3.5 m., annexed to the south of the chapel, east of the room used for the stairs to the chapel. The crypt room has a fill of earth under its floor which is 2.75 m. lower than the chapel's floor. The only possible entrance is from the north, presumably using wooden stairs or a ladder. Facing east SB 1
16137 Caesarea Martyrs Chapel Martyr's chapel Free standing Coastal plain Caesarea Palaestina I JP 1
